For the past several weeks the SUPPORT button has been missing from the Facebook version of FARMVILLE Now it's back.
You no longer have to go to to access the Support Page. Once again you can access it from either facebook or
In case you didn't know how to get LIVE CHAT here is all you need to know
GO TO YOUR FARM...on facebook or and go to the bottom of the screen
this is what you will see
Once on SUPPORT PAGE you will either see a CHAT NOW option or you will not
If CHAT is busy there will be no button.
The ABOVE image shows a SUPPORT PAGE with NO CHAT
TIPS and ADVICE when using CHAT
You can, sometimes, get access to FV CHAT by going through another game. The Agent that may transfer you does not have to...And sometimes will not
DO NOT keep refreshing the PAGE...actually CLOSE it out...Jump back on SUPPORT link (which you should still have in the previous tab) And then click SUPPORT again
Once on LIVE CHAT...Start typing your Question or Complaint while you are waiting for an Agent...Start with "Hello, how are you..." then carefully and simply explain your problem
Be specific...If you have lost a Horse...Know the exact correct name...They do not know "that one in the quest last week" or "the blue one from a while back"...Same with Trees and Quests or ANYTHING...They type into a search engine data base...If you can't tell then EXACTLY...Then they cannot help you.
Be considerate to the Agents...Remember...The poor things work for ZYNGA